+91 9897285813
Swargashram Trust, Rishikesh, India

Reflexology Courses


Reflexology Holistic Therapy in Rishikesh

Reflexology is one of the most exciting and effective holistic therapies with an emphasis on treating and preventing the root cause of disease, rather than spot treating the symptoms.

With latest technology developments and our new training + theory Learning Environment, never before has the training been so advanced and flexible as it is today.

What is Reflexology ?

There are the reflection points of all the organs in our feet. While pressing these points it stimulates the energy in the related organ. This stimulation helps to release energy block from there. In the path of ancient healing, it believes that the illness comes when the energy becomes imbalanced. All the meridian lines are connected to feet while pressing these points, energy current start flows in these lines which not only gives the relaxation to the mind-body but to removes the illness from them as well.

History of reflexology is about 5000 years in India, 3000 years in China and Egypt and later on the research happened in the different part of the world.

According to the information in Wikipedia Reflexology was introduced to the United States in 1913 by William H. Fitzgerald, M.D. (1872-1942), an ear, nose, and throat specialist, and Dr Edwin Bowers. Fitzgerald claimed that applying pressure had an anaesthetic effect on other areas of the body. It was modified in the 1930s and 1940s by Eunice D. Ingham (1889-1974), a nurse and physiotherapist Ingham claimed that the feet and hands were especially sensitive, and mapped the entire body into "reflexes" on the feet renaming "zone therapy" to reflexology.

Reflexology training is available to all persons aged 18 and older, interested in holistic health, inner balance and foot massage. It is not necessary to have training in massage or other holistic healing to do this course. Reflexology can be a plus or another option for those already working in the field of health or alternative approaches.

What are the benefits of Reflexology ?

Reflexology is a holistic therapy suitable for all ages and helps you to recuperate from a wide range of acute and chronic medical conditions. Reflexology has been shown to be effective for:

Hormonal imbalance.
Mensuration problem.
Back pain.
Migraines, headaches .
Sleep disorders.
Digestive problems.
Blood Circulatory problems.
Stress-related disorders.
Arthritis etc.

Braham Yoga Reflexology Training/Course in Rishikesh, India

Reflexology Course Duration : 2 Days ( 2hrs Daily )

We offer 2 days course with 2-3 hrs of practical & theory training per day. The short group of 2-4 people is there in the group so its kind of personal classes.

One session of reflexology takes 30 minutes. It helps the person to balance the energy in different organs and meridians. This gives the relaxation of body-mind and helps to know about the problems in the body-mind. One session does not only help to diagnose the problems but heal those as well.

Course Details

Reflexology Basic Concept
Zonology of the body.
Basic physiology of the body.
Reflexology Chart
Pressure Points in the foot.
A technique to press the points.
How to diagnose the problem.
How to heal.

Our Days Schedule

The first day we give an introduction to the reflexology, history, benefits, its practical relation in day today life, techniques to give reflexology.
The third day more practical training related to this subject to built up the confidence to give the Reflexology session, your feedback, sharing etc.

Our course schedule is flexible as per the time available to you, It means we can set course duration and timing as per your convenience.
If you would like to join this course with your group (2-4 or more people) then we can schedule it, especially for your group.

Course fees

100 USD ( only course fee )
25 USD per Day Accommodation & Food ( optional )

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