+91 9897285813
Swargashram Trust, Rishikesh, India

Reiki Training in Rishikesh

Reiki Course in Rishikesh India

Reiki Training/Course in Rishikesh, India.

Any person can do the Reiki Training in Rishikesh. One requires not to have any unique inclination towards healing, unique gifts, or previous experience. Relatively, it is simply the desire to help others, to enhance one's spiritual path, or an internal search for well-being that offer as the only requirements for learning Reiki.

Reiki (pronounced "Ray-kee") is a very simple and highly effective hands-on healing technique that creates balance and harmony within the mind, body, and spirit. The word "Reiki" comes from two Japanese characters or kanji. The top character "Rei" means "universal soul or spirit" and "ki" means "energy." Jointly the two words signify "universal life-force energy."

All learners begin with the Reiki Level I training and then progress at their own pace through the other levels if desired. Many students work with each level's teachings for a while, developing what they have learned and applying the techniques. With the completion of each Level of training, students receive certification as either Reiki Practitioner, Advanced Reiki Practitioner, or Reiki Master.

"Become a certified Reiki Practitioner...Learn to heal with your hands!"

How Reiki works ?

As a healing process, Reiki uses an energy transmittal system in which the Reiki practitioner draws energy from the universe and then transfers this energy through the hands to the self or another. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual blocks are dissolved with Reiki, bringing people greater health and overall well-being. Reiki works with the body's innate wisdom to facilitate healing where and how it is needed.

"The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
-Thomas Edison

History of Reiki

In ancient India and afterward in Tibet, spiritual mystics used Reiki energy secretly for purification, healing, and enlightenment. Reiki became a lost art right until a Japanese monk and spiritual seeker, Dr. Mikao Usuisan, rediscovered the techniques in the 1800s while on a quest to discover how Christ and Buddha had healed through touch. In the 1930s Mrs. Hawayo Takata introduced Reiki to the United States from Japan after she had been healed of illness through a series of Reiki treatments.

Today Reiki healing is taught and practiced throughout the world as a gentle, effective technique for self-healing and healing others, offering to rebalance and contributing to overall well-being. Reiki is now being offered in hospitals, clinics, private practices, and homes. Reiki may be used effectively on people, animals, plants, and even on projects.

Levels in Reiki Course

There are mainly three levels in the Reiki course to be a Reiki Grand Master:
Level1, Level2, and Level 3 (Master Level)

Reiki Level I

Duration: 2 Days ( 2 hrs Daily )

In Reiki Level I students become familiar with Reiki energy and are trained in how to perform healing sessions on the self and others. Learning Reiki consists of an energy activation process called an "initiation" which is carried out by the Reiki Master with each student. Via this initiation ceremony students are opened to the flow of Reiki energy which presents an energetic shift, causing healing energies and intuitive insights to emerge. The initiation opens innate healing channels which allow students to instantly tap into the flow of Reiki energy and perform healing sessions. In add-on to learning the Reiki method of healing, students also experience an acceleration in their spiritual awareness and intuitive abilities as a direct result of the Reiki initiation.
After learning Reiki, students report having increased energy, self-awareness, personal charisma, peace, and compassion.

What are the topics covered in Reiki Level I Course ?

What is Reiki and how the Reiki energy works.
The history of Reiki.
How to channel Reiki energy for self-healing and the healing of others.
Reiki Level I Initiation: (Reiki attunement) which open the flow of Reiki energy within the student.
Hand positions for self-healing and healing others.
Techniques for tapping into and expanding intuitive, extra-sensory perceptions for use during healing sessions.
How the chakras function with regard to healing work and everyday life.
Self-healing techniques for expanding personal awareness and accelerating wellbeing.
Hands-on practice both giving and receiving Reiki sessions.
Reiki and spiritual growth.

Reiki Level II

Reiki Course Duration: 2 Days ( 2 hrs Daily )
A person can get more days and hours to learn the program according to their needs.

Reiki Level II is considered the "Practitioner’s Level" and offers students advanced Reiki teachings. Now, In Level II students are given complete tools for working with Reiki energy both in person and through "absentee" techniques. The Level II Reiki amplifies the Reiki I energy and produces a grounding or solidifying of the energy as it settles into the student’s aura in a profound manner. Moreover, students are given ancient symbols which allow the Reiki energy to perform powerful functions, such as specific mental/emotional/spiritual healing and long-distance healing. Students are taught channeling techniques, thereby increasing their overall psychic awareness in life and in healing sessions. Students also learn to work with their own "chi" in order to strengthen their personal energy and health so that they are able to accommodate more healing energy and be of greater service.

What are the topics Covered in Reiki Level II Course

Ancient techniques for circulating “chi” energy in the body to strengthen the energy field and physical body.
Creating a sacred space at home for aid in performing long distance healing and for meditation practices.
Ancient symbols: their names, meanings, and uses.
Practice drawing and working with the symbols .
Reiki Level II initiation: attunements which open the flow of Reiki II energy and activate the power of the sacred symbols .
Hand positions for long distance & mental/emotional/spiritual healing .
Techniques for tapping into intuitive, psychic perceptions in mental/emotional/spiritual healing and working with affirmations and channeling techniques .
Hands-on practice performing mental/emotional/spiritual healings and long distance healing .

Reiki Level III

Reiki Course Duration : 2 Days ( 2 hrs Daily ) if you do reiki all levels with us

Reiki Level III / Mastership is offered to select practitioners who would like to become Reiki Masters, having the ability to teach others Reiki and initiate individuals into all levels of the Reiki system of natural healing. Reiki Level IIIrd represents a significant shift in the practitioner’s journey as he/she commits to helping others learn how to channel healing energy. Reiki Level III brings to the practitioner greater awareness and empowerment in many levels of life and provides a spiritual mission to spread healing through Reiki.

What are the topics Covered in Reiki Level III/ Mastership Course Details

Introduction to Reiki Mastership & General Guidelines.
Level I information: How to teach Level I & initiate others into Level I Reiki energy.
Level II information: How to teach Level II & initiate others into Level II Reiki energy .
Level III information: How to teach Level III & initiate others into Reiki Mastership energy .
Mastership symbol-practice drawing and applying symbols .
Reiki Mastership Initiation/ Attunement .

Reiki Training/Course fee and availability: 2023
Course Name Duration Availability Course Fee Booking
Reiki Level 1 2 Days 1st of every month 100 USD Book Now
Reiki Level 2 2 Days 3rd of every month 120 USD Book Now
Reiki Level 3 2 Days 5th of every month 250 USD Book Now
Reiki Level 1 & 2 3 Days 1st of every month 150 USD Book Now
Reiki Level 1, 2 & 3 6 Days 1st of every month 350 USD Book Now

Why choose Braham Yoga for Reiki Training/Courses

We do not tell you that we have the best teachers, the best environment, and the best place. It is told by everyone, also you can see this all on our website in the gallery and about section. Instead, I want to show you the reviews from others so you can trust our course/training at Braham Yoga Holistic Health.

Frequently asked questions on reiki training/course
Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan. The word "Reiki" can be translated to mean "universal life energy," which refers to the energy that surrounds and flows through all living things. During a Reiki session, a practitioner uses their hands to transfer this energy to the recipient, with the intention of promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and supporting the body's natural healing processes.
Anyone can learn Reiki, regardless of age, background, or experience. There are no specific requirements or qualifications needed to start learning Reiki.
Learning Reiki can offer a range of benefits to individuals looking to improve their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Reiki has been shown to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and support the body's natural healing processes. By learning Reiki, individuals may also enhance their emotional well-being, gain a sense of balance and harmony, and increase self-awareness and spiritual growth.
You can learn Reiki levels 1, 2, and 3 in six days. Two days for each level. Or you can learn Reiki levels 1 & 2 in three days then level 3 in three days. But after it, you have to practice it for 21 days to have the capacity inside you to heal others and to become a successful reiki master.
The cost of Reiki training can vary depending on the level of training and the location of the training program. Generally, the cost of Reiki I training can range from $100 to $200, while Reiki II can cost $200 to $300. Reiki III training can be more expensive, typically costing between $250 to $500 or more.
The first level of Reiki training (Reiki I) typically covers the basics of Reiki and how to administer Reiki to oneself and others. The second level (Reiki II) may cover techniques for distance healing and work with symbols, while the more advanced level ( Reiki Master) focuses on advanced techniques, teaching Reiki to others, and personal spiritual development.
Reiki is not a religious practice, although it may have spiritual elements. Reiki does not require any specific belief system, and it is compatible with a wide range of religious and spiritual beliefs. While Reiki is not associated with any particular religion, it is often considered a holistic practice that can support spiritual growth and personal development.
Reiki can help with stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation, reducing tension, and supporting the body's natural healing processes. Reiki can also help to balance the energy centers in the body, known as chakras, which can become blocked or imbalanced due to stress or anxiety. By promoting balance and relaxation, Reiki can support overall well-being and help to alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety.
Yes, Reiki works on all layers: Physical, mental & Soul so it can be used as a complementary therapy to support the treatment of physical ailments, but it should not be used as a replacement for medical care. Some people may experience relief from chronic pain, fatigue, or other physical symptoms after receiving Reiki treatments.
No, you do not need any special abilities or qualifications to learn Reiki. Reiki is an accessible and inclusive practice that can be learned by anyone who is interested in it.
There are typically three levels of Reiki training:
  • Reiki Level I: Also known as the First Degree, this level introduces students to the basic principles and practices of Reiki, including hand positions for self-treatment and treatment of others.
  • Reiki Level II: Also known as the Second Degree, this level builds on the foundations learned in Level I and teaches students how to use symbols and mantras to enhance their Reiki practice. Students learn techniques for distance healing and may deepen their understanding of the spiritual aspects of Reiki.
  • Reiki Level III: Also known as the Third Degree or Master Level, this level is focused on advanced techniques for self-healing & personal growth, additional advanced training in Reiki techniques, and teaching Reiki to others.
Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally: Reiki training involves both practical and spiritual aspects, and it can be helpful to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the experience. Take time to reflect on your intentions for learning Reiki, and consider any personal blocks or emotional issues you may need to work through.

Come with an open mind: Reiki is a practice that involves spiritual and energetic principles that may be new to you. It is important to come to the training with an open mind and a willingness to learn and explore new ideas and perspectives.
Yes, after completing a Reiki training program, you should be able to practice Reiki on both yourself and others.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of Reiki practice depends on many factors, including the skill and experience of the practitioner, the nature of the condition being treated, and the receptivity of the person receiving the treatment. Therefore, it is recommended to continue practicing and developing your skills after completing the training in order to become more proficient in the practice.
In some areas, obtaining a certification from a recognized Reiki training program may be required to practice Reiki professionally. However, in other areas, there may be no formal requirements for practicing Reiki professionally.
  • Combining Reiki with massage therapy or other bodywork
  • Integrating Reiki into traditional medicine
  • Incorporating Reiki into meditation or yoga practices
  • Using Reiki in holistic healing practices
Yes, Reiki can be used on animals or plants, just as it can be used on human beings. In fact, many Reiki practitioners offer Reiki treatments to animals as a way to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and support physical and emotional healing.
  • Reiki Level 1: This is the introductory level of Reiki training, and it typically takes one or two days to complete.
  • Reiki Level 2: This level of training typically takes one or two days to complete, and it builds on the foundational knowledge gained in Level 1.
  • Reiki Level 3 (Master Level): You can learn this level in 2-3 days but after it, you have to practice it for 21 days to become a successful reiki practitioner.
Practice Reiki as often as you feel comfortable, based on your personal preferences and goals. Some people practice every day, while others do so a few times a week or as needed. But it is advisory to practice it for 21 days after the training program.
Yes, Reiki can be practiced alongside other medical or therapeutic treatments. Reiki is a complementary therapy that can be used in conjunction with conventional treatments to support healing and well-being. It's important to inform your healthcare provider and Reiki practitioner of all treatments you receive to ensure the best possible outcomes.
Reiki can be used to improve mental health and emotional well-being by promoting relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety, and increasing feelings of peace and calm. It can help release emotional blockages and promote a sense of balance and harmony. Reiki can be a supportive tool to help manage symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.
Some common misconceptions about Reiki include that it's a religion, that it requires special abilities or powers, or that it can cure serious medical conditions. Reiki is a non-religious, non-invasive therapy that anyone can learn and practice. It's not a substitute for medical care but can be used as a complementary therapy to support overall well-being.
Yes, Reiki can be learned by children or teenagers. In fact, many Reiki practitioners begin their training at a young age. Reiki is a gentle and non-invasive therapy that can be safely practiced by people of all ages. Some Reiki practitioners even specialize in working with children and teenagers.
Reiki can be used in a group or community setting by gathering together to practice Reiki and offer healing energy to each other and to the community. Group Reiki sessions can promote a sense of unity, support, and relaxation. Reiki can also be used to send healing energy to places, events, or situations in need of positive energy, such as natural disasters or social unrest.
  • Healthcare: Reiki is used in hospitals and clinics to support patients' healing and well-being.
  • Education: Reiki is used in schools and universities to help students and teachers reduce stress and increase focus and concentration.
  • Hospice Care: Reiki is used in hospice care to support patients and their families in the end-of-life journey.
  • Sports: It can help reduce muscle tension and soreness, increase energy levels, and promote relaxation and focus.

Food and Accommodation
  • If you also want food and accommodation then it cost 30 USD/day.
  • You have to inform us one month before if you want to join the training with food and accommodation.
  • We provide nutritious vegetarian food only which includes fruits in the morning, lunch includes lentils, chapati, vegetable, and rice. Dinner includes the same.
  • If you only want accommodation then it cost 15 USD/day.
  • Accommodation is in the ashram near Ganga.

Reiki training image gallery

Other things we provide but not included in the training fee

Note: If you want a complete day-wise schedule that includes yoga, meditation, reiki training, pranayama, mantra chanting, and yoga nidra then you can join our 6 days Reiki teacher training/Reiki retreat in Rishikesh.

Please make your advance course fee through Paypal ADVANCE FEE PAID IS NON REFUNDABLE